Every Easter, Trinity Cathedral fills the sanctuary with beautiful flowers and music in memory of our loved ones and thanksgiving for the blessings of life. If you would like to contribute to our Easter flower or music ministries, please fill out the flyer in your bulletin or the Google Form link and return it with your contribution to our Pushpay giving page, the offering plate, or the parish office. All memorials and donations must be received by Sunday, April 2 for inclusion in this year’s Easter bulletins.
Easter Flower and Music Donations
The Very Rev. Aidan Smith
Fr. Aidan is the Dean of Trinity Cathedral. He’s been married to Mel for 15 years and takes responsibility for the two incredibly cute but loud kids at church (Felicity, 5 and Solomon, 3). The Smiths also have a geriatric, one-eyed dog named Coho from Aidan’s hometown in northwestern Alaska.