Lucy Price
The Magnificat is Mary’s song praising God, and the way in which she sings praise is instructive to us in how we might do the same. By following her example, we ourselves may ‘magnify the Lord’ just as Mary does.
Mary shows the importance of the praise and thanks we give to God for his goodness. From establishing Israel, to the daily mercies we receive: food, warmth, faith. These are wonderfully made for the glory of God, but we praise grander miracles also. Intercession and consolation are made possible by Christ’s resurrection.
God’s mercy is made clear in Christ’s sacrifice, that all may find grace even as sinners. However, in lowliness before God, know that he can withhold that which is given. To live in light of this is to fear the Lord as Mary did.
She warns of pride. Being revealed through his mighty works, the Lord punishes those who take pride in the works of man. These proud people have their reward and will be gorged before the eternal banquet, unable to participate alongside those who hunger for the Lord.
Mary recalls God’s promise that the nation of Abraham’s descendants would bring blessings to all people. The Lord fulfilled this promise by Christ’s ministry and execution, but we must look to the future promise of redemption at the final resurrection. So as Mary recalls the past, gives thanks for the present, and hopes for the future, we can give the same glory to God she does; so long as we cultivate her same fear and spiritual lowliness before the Lord.
Lucy Price has been attending Trinity since Easter 2023 and is a member of the Cathedral’s Altar Guild. Miss Price works in food service and her free time is largely divided between religious studies and film/television enthusiasm. She lives with her fiancé Elizabeth in the Southside.
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