Friday, February 16 | Luke 9:51-56

The Rev. Cn. Bonnie-Marie Yager-Wiggan

“When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”

The phrase “he set his face to go to Jerusalem” stops me in my tracks. Such a statement defines all that follows. It indicates it will be a journey with no stops, pauses, or relaxing—every step will be toward the cross. Yet we will discover that Jesus will visit friends, preach, teach, and be a guest in many homes on this final journey. (Luke mentions the final journey in seven places in his gospel) .

How do we know that this journey is indeed to the cross? When the narrator tells us that when the time came for him to be “taken up,” he refers to Jesus’ ascension, which includes his death and resurrection. Luke recounts the last half of his gospel through the lens of the way of the cross.

And this momentous journey begins with rejection. The Samaritans turn back Jesus’ messengers because he is beginning this final journey to Jerusalem. They are unwilling to follow, or be a disciple, of one who is one his way to suffering and death. Would you join Jesus on this last journey?

We are invited, commanded even, to share in this journey when Jesus makes plain that to be a disciple we must pick up our own cross. This pilgrimage with Jesus is an unfolding and deepening way, not only to his passion, but into the Kingdom of God.

Canon Bonnie-Marie has been serving at Trinity Cathedral since 2017. She and her husband, Jamie, enjoy trying new restaurants and spending time with their Scottish Terrier, Greyfriar.

Find all Lenten Devotionals from Trinity Cathedral here.