Elaine Zevkovich
Artist: James B. Janknegt
Probably the most famous painting depicting the parable of the Rich Fool is by Rembrandt, an oil painting on canvas from 1627. While the painting is absolutely stunning (in my opinion), it did not touch me in the way the above painting by a Central Texas artist named James Janknegt. While the style of the painting is not a favorite of mine, the message that it depicts spoke to me as I read and prayed over the text in Luke 12 and the parable of the rich fool.
The border depicts what a materialist life might include. I have been there. Early in my adult life, I felt secure the more material wealth I accumulated. But it is the center images that really spoke to me. A “rich” life is measured by the people that surround you, whether that is family, friends, your church community. This is how God shows up to me. I find it hardest to feel God in my life when I am sitting alone in my home surrounded by “stuff.” I have learned that, for me, God shows up in my relationships, in how I treat others. For me, this painting was a reminder of that.
Elaine has been a member of Trinity Cathedral for more than 4 years and serves as Altar Guild Director and on Executive Committee and Chapter.
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