Peg Calder
The Power of the Lord’s Prayer
The passage begins “when you pray, use not vain repetitions …: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” Often we rotely say the Nicene Creed or “peace be with you” or other parts of a liturgical service.
Although the Lord’s prayer slip easily off my tongue, the meanings of the words in the Lord’s prayer, are consistently in my consciousness. That’s how powerful they are. I can think of no other song or poem or speech, especially of that length, that bears that property.
The messages of the Lord’s Prayer are simple and clear and meaningful each time. This is true whether we are saying it out loud in unison, or in our head to ourselves, or hearing someone else say it. If we hear it as an instrumental, the words appear in our thoughts. The video linked below is to a musical version of the Lord’s Prayer, sung by Kathleen Battle.
Thy Will Be Done
Many of our prayers are prayers of supplication. We ask for the safe return of our military loved ones, for recovery from addiction, for an illness to be cured or a surgery to be successful. We ask for freedom from oppression at home, work, school, or governance.
I’m not comfortable asking for such things directly. My prayers are “I pray that it is Your Will that those things happen.” Thanks be to God for this prayer of salvation.
Peg Calder has been a member of Trinity Cathedral for 2 years. She has been learning to play the harp in her retirement.