Easter Sunday, March 31 Luke 24:1-12
Easter Sunday, March 31 Luke 24:1-12 – In the Easter story, we witness a similar phenomenon—the breaking of light into the darkness of a sinful world.
Holy Saturday, March 30 | Luke 23:50-56
Holy Saturday, March 30 | Luke 23:50-56 – The Deposition of Christ or the Descent of Christ is what Luke’s gospel describes for us on this Holy Saturday.
Good Friday, March 29 | Luke 23:13-49
Good Friday, March 29 | Luke 23:13-49 – Today is Good Friday, a day that seems paradoxically named. We pause to remember the suffering and death of Jesus, the embodiment of God’s love in human form.
Maundy Thursday, March 28 | Luke 22:7-20
Maundy Thursday, March 28 | Luke 22:7-20 – The mystery of sharing food and a common table takes place on different levels.
Wednesday, March 27 | Luke 22:1-6
Wednesday, March 27 | Luke 22:1-6 – In today’s passage, we see several examples of those who have chosen to be Christ’s executioners: chief priests who ought to be preparing to celebrate Passover, a celebration of God’s deliverance of Israel, and Judas, one of the twelve disciples who had been with Jesus throughout his ministry.
Feast of the Annunciation: Monday, March 25 | Luke 1:46-55
Feast of the Annunciation: Monday, March 25 | Luke 1:46-55 – The Magnificat is Mary’s song praising God, and the way in which she sings praise is instructive to us in how we might do the same.
Palm Sunday, March 24 Luke 19:28-40
Palm Sunday, March 24 Luke 19:28-40 – Entry into the City
Friday, March 22 | Luke 19:41-48
Friday, March 22 | Luke 19:41-48 – I love the image of Jesus driving out the sellers from the temple. I also empathize with the folks who were in the temple, just trying to make a living.
Feast of St. Joseph, Observed: Wednesday, March 20 | Luke 2:41-52
Feast of St. Joseph, Observed: Wednesday, March 20 | Luke 2:41-52 – Today’s proximity to the Feast of St Joseph (March 19) made me think about this passage from the viewpoint of Joseph, when I’ve only ever regarded it from the viewpoint of Jesus.
Monday, March 18 | Luke 18:1-8
Monday, March 18 | Luke 18:1-8 – Some of the most powerful, life-changing advice in the Bible has been reduced to a platitude that can be displayed on a shelf in the bathroom next to a candle and towels.
Sunday, March 17 | Luke 18:31-34
In Luke 17:20-37, Jesus explains the nature of God’s kingdom.
Friday, March 15 | Luke 17:20-37
In Luke 17:20-37, Jesus explains the nature of God’s kingdom.
Wednesday, March 13 | Luke 15:11-32
When reading this text, my mind fixates on the wayward son’s return, his father’s response and the older brother’s reaction.
Monday, March 11 | Luke 15:1-10
In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus asks a question of the Pharisees and teachers of the law: if they owned a hundred sheep and one became lost, wouldn’t they leave the ninety-nine and search for it?
Friday, March 8 | Luke 14:15-24
Think about what this Great Banquet represents. I would like to propose that the Banquet is Jesus’ most common image for what God offers us.
Wednesday, March 6 | Luke 14:1-6
In this gospel reading, I was struck most by the determination of Jesus to continue to walk in the direction of Jerusalem even in the face of the religious leaders telling him that his life was in danger. He knew his path and would not be deterred.
Monday, March 4 | Luke 13:31-35
In this gospel reading, I was struck most by the determination of Jesus to continue to walk in the direction of Jerusalem even in the face of the religious leaders telling him that his life was in danger. He knew his path and would not be deterred.
Friday, March 1 | Luke 12:13-21
Probably the most famous painting depicting the parable of the Rich Fool is by Rembrandt, an oil painting on canvas from 1627.
Wednesday, February 28 | Luke 11:37-53
Again, Jesus is invited to dine with a pharisee – Simon in Luke 7:36-50, and an unknown Pharisee here in Luke 11:37-53. His host is astonished because Jesus does not wash his hands before eating.
Monday, February 26 | Luke 11:29-32
Jonah never wanted to be a prophet. When the Word of the Lord came to him asking him to call on the great city of Nineveh to repent of their evil ways, he got straight on a boat to go as far as he possibly could in the opposite direction.
Wednesday, February 21 | Luke 10:38-42
This is the story where Martha is busy with preparations and her sister Mary sits at the Lord’s feet.
Sunday, February 19 | Luke 9:18-27
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.”
Friday, February 16 | Luke 9:51-56
“When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”
Thursday, February 15 | Luke 8:1-3
In this little section of Luke’s Gospel, we hear expressly that there were some women who accompanied Jesus and ministered out of their resources.
Ash Wednesday: February 14 | Luke 4:1-15
Still wet from the waters of his baptism, the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness. The wilderness is a dangerous place where you go if you must. In Scripture, the wilderness is often the dwelling place of forces hostile to God. In the wilderness, you experience the chaos that menaces human life. The wilderness is a place of crisis—induced by the fear that God is absent.